
Call me Deedee
Gender Woman
Relationship It's a secret
Location BC Canada
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Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Voyeur
Joined: May 8th, 2022
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HI everybody.
I am an intelligent, erudite, literate, well read cutsie. I will role play if I think I can handle it. I am the world's biggest prick tease though so be warned.

Approach me with politeness and intelligence and with something to say and I am all yours. Offer me rudeness and i wont answer. Offer me violence and I will bathe in the blood of your loved ones.

I have decided to own the fact that there are pictures of me on this site. I am OK with it, PM me and tell me what you think of me. randomly post them in open chat rooms, it actually makes me excited when that happens, who knew?

My favorite pass times include, but not exclusively: being lulled into a false sense of security then exposed and humiliated; Being tied up in the woods or in a derelict building; being tricked or cheated into a position where I have lost control; The idea of being in a situation where i can not negotiate my way out nor beg or plead to be let go (tentacles for instance).

I also enjoy the role of 'Massive Prick Tease'. You are in a position of trust and/or authority, I am a person with whom there can be no hint of inappropriate behavior. Once i know that you are hooked I will make your life a living hell. you will never quite know if my antics are innocent and completely by accident, or if I am giving you the biggest come on in the history of flirting. I will always know that I am completely safe from any repercussions and you can never know where you stand. If you respond to any of my 'subtle' (not so subtle usually) tricks you will be for the high jump, if you even acknowledge what you think I am doing it will stop immediately and you will never be sure that you aren't going to get a visit from my Daddy or the Popo!
If that sounds like something you could cope with.... HMU!!
If not that's fine too.

Peace out party persons!!

Sweet_Melody02's achievements 1

1 year

Sweet_Melody02's Comments

6 Days Ago Sweet_Melody02 commented
@brotherspike You know I have to share with you guys... its the rules, right?
6 Days Ago Sweet_Melody02 commented
@HAa2 always
6 Days Ago Sweet_Melody02 commented
@brotherspike aww thats kind
24 May 2024 Sweet_Melody02 commented
@Wetfun2Please Thank you daddy
15 May 2024 Sweet_Melody02 commented
@Etoile_etoile You know this is mostly my fantasy on celluloid. you push my buttons
08 May 2024 Sweet_Melody02 commented
@Etoile_etoile needs a sandwich, poor girl hasn;t eaten in a month


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