
Trans & Party Girls
Gender Man
Relationship Single and not looking
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Tranny
Joined: Nov 16th, 2016
Last Seen: 2d ago
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Board Points: 34
Just a party guy who loves party girls... Especially trans party girls. and I like them a lot. 

I love discovering new-to-me sexy party girls. They’re the girls who know the importance of following a consistent schedule in the daily consumption of one or more varieties of illicit hard drugs, while also maintaining an uncommonly high level of deviant, perverted, reputation destroying sexual activity.

The rarest, most desired form of the party girl is when the above socially-unacceptable activities are documented and voluntarily made available for public enjoyment, potentially exposing the highly deviant girl’s reprehensible behaviour to an audience of potentially millions. 

I love those dirty girls who willingly relinquish their family, possessions, reputation, values, children, home, everything… Just for a life where they are enslaved by the drugs to which they are hopelessly addicted. I love to watch their struggle, while the drugs control their every move, and dictate their every decision. 

I’ve witnessed more downward spirals than I can even begin to recall. One of the greatest ever documented is right here on this channel. It’s the slow destruction of my ex-wife. Watch as her addiction consumes more and more of the successful woman she once was.

I knew she was an insatiable addict when I gave her the first pipe of meth back in March, 2012. I knew it had her in its clutches after just a few hits. Before long, she started escorting. Once she discovered how much meth she could buy via sex work, it only took her a week to staff her resignation up the chain of command, nixing a very promising ten year Air Force career. I handed in resignation a week later. 

For ten years, we spiralled further and further in the infinite spiral of addiction. It had such an unshakeable grip on her, she would eventually start shooting. While her junkie phase was incredibly hot, it would end up destroying our marriage. 

She is now long gone, but the videos and photos documenting her rapid descent into addiction remain. 

Not long ago, I started documenting my own inescapable addiction, and now have many videos of me blowing huge clouds, as I get so spun, I often can’t even figure out where I am. Smoking meth makes me incredibly horny… Especially when someone joins me.

So, if you’d be interested in some online, or in-person pnp, don’t be shy! Send me a DM, I would love to smoke with you. While I consider myself to be mostly straight, watching anyone helplessly give themselves over to their addiction, makes me hornier than anything else. So, no matter if you’re a man, woman, trans or anything else. I’d love to spend a little time getting high with you, and then maybe getting off together. 

Watch for many more new videos from myself. Some will have a sexual element, while others will simply feature me blowing huge clouds, and getting spun af. If you have any requests or suggestions concerning a video you’d like me to see me shoot, drop me a line and tell me all about it! 

ChangeIsGood's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

ChangeIsGood's Comments

3 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented
You are so fucking gorgeous, babygirl.
4 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented
You are beyond reproach. There is none better. No mere mortal nearer the true level of Goddess than you. It simply is not possible.
4 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented
You are the best. Period. This is fact, and simply cannot be rationally disputed.
5 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented
@Cumslutcandy May I message you?
6 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented
So hot.
6 Days Ago ChangeIsGood commented


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